
桥English In Mind starter/1/2/3/4/5 学生套装 送音频

  • 桥English In Mind starter/1/2/3/4/5 学生套装 送音频
  • 价    格:150
  • 商品库存: 54 件
  • 品牌:
  • 货号:56cdaad8ac85
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家麒麟美艺



English in Mind简介

—— 一套真正了解中学生需要的全方位英语教材

English in Mind has been inspiring teachers and students the world over since 2004.

Designed especially for teenagers, this course has proved to be perfectly matched

to their interests, age and abilities. 

English in Mind自2004推出以来席卷全球, 疯魔无数老师及学生, 并一致推崇这套专为青少年人兴趣, 年龄及能力而设计的课程。


■   根据中学生的心理发展需要来选择和组织学习材料;

■   给中学生创造一个开放融合的学习氛围;

■   满足中学生多智能的学习需要并培养其学习技能

English in Mind在教学素材的选择、单的结构、练习的形式、美术设计以及技能的培养


全新的English in Mind(2010 ed.)系列针对世界各地老师使用第一版后的回馈,完整





单中包含丰富的综合能力练习活动,[Culture in Mind– Level 2]*与 [Culture in

Mind Fiction in Mind – Level 3] *带领学生领略全世界各个英语国家不同文化,从而帮助

  中学生更好地理解和运用语言,[Everyday English]训练学生将所学实际运用在真实生活沟


全新推出学生课本+DVD-ROM, 内含游戏、补充练习和配合书中[照片故事





考题编辑光碟(Testmaker Audio CD/CD-ROM)更是老师制作大小考试一定不能错




1. Online Workbooks (offering a rich bank of self-evaluating interactive activities

for independent teacher-managed self-study)

网上作业 (提供一个丰富, 具指导性的自学互动平台)

2. Fresh and vibrant "Culture in Mind" sections give insights into life in the

English-speaking world.

"Culture in Mind"透过新鲜而富朝气的各国文化话题,让你的孩子融入真正的英语世界

3. Structured speaking practice and development throughout each level

贯穿等级之间的一套语言发展系统, 让你的孩子英语能力得到真正的提升

4. Student's Book with DVD-ROM with games, video and practice activities

一本包罗万有的学生教材- 包括游戏, 视频及练习活动的DVD-ROM

  5. A "Vocabulary bank" showing new words in context

一套完善的单词库 – 让学生从语境中学习

6. Flexible Test-maker CD-ROM, expanded Teacher's Book and web support

一套具性的试题制作CD-ROM, 拓展老师的需要, 提供合适的网上支持

7. Activities and quizzes for students online


English in Mind Level 2特点(PET水譬







检查学习进度- 在学习每个单后将会给学生一个简短的测试来检验学生的学习情况 

Special features in English in Mind Level 2 (PET level)

Listening and Reading materials 

Understanding human development of Arts and Culture 

Understanding global issues, such as natural disaster, global warming, global

weather, forest fire…etc 

  Interesting issues such as history of listening to music, bicycle revolution, doctors

without borders, a city in the jungle…etc 

Special stories about Australia, Canada, the USA, France, Papua New Guinea 

Special guided projects to be done in group basis 

Check your progress – students will be given a short test to check their progress

every alternative units  

English in Mind Level 3特点(PET与FCE之间水譬


- 热门话题如使用因特网和GPS;美国真人秀"The Amazing Race" "Who wants to be a

Millionaire" ; 使用;探索UFO;一些未被发现的动物种类及神秘的地方。

- 日常生活如沟通、友谊、工作、求职、善良与罪恶的理解、爱与幸福等。

- 撰写具有争议性的话题的文章

- 表达赞同与不赞同观点;谈论优势与劣势之处;采访报告以及给编辑的信等等。

- 对英语文学及小说的理解

- 小组完成的任务性活动


Special features in English in Mind Book 3 Level 3 (between PET & FCE) 

Advanced Listening, Reading and Writing materials

- Hot issues such as using Internet and GPS; American Reality Shows such as The

amazing Race and Who wants to be a Millionaire; bees and mobile phones; myths

about UFO, some undiscovered animal species, and mysterious places; 

  - Human life such as communication, friendship, working life and job application;

understanding good and evil; love and happiness. 

- Writing with arguments and a critical mind; expressing agreements and

disagreements; talking about advantages and disadvantages; interview reports;

letters to editors;

- Understanding novels and fictions

- Special projects to be done in group basis

Check your progress – students will be given a short test to check their progress

 American English in Mind is an integrated, four-skills course for beginner to advanced teenage learners of American English. American English in Mind Starter Student's Book with DVD-ROM features 16 units. Thought-provoking reading, listening, speaking, and writing topics motivate teenage students of American English. Content-rich photostories and dialogues present contemporary spoken American English in realistic contexts. 'Culture in mind' sections give insight into different aspects of English-speaking life. 'Check your progress' sections help students monitor their learning. The DVD-ROM features stimulating grammar exercises, games, video, unit tests, Workbook audio, and selected Student's Book audio. The videos feature the photostory characters and include 'Videoke,' which allows students to record and hear their voices in portions of the video dialogues.

